Next-generation IT security solutions for the network and cloud, protecting people for business against advanced threats and targeted attacks e-mail, mobile applications, and social media.

- Email-targeted Attack Protection
- Mobile Device Defense
- Threat Response

- Email Protection
- Essentials for Small Business
- Email Fraud Defense

- Mail Encryption
- Email Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
- Data Discover

- Social Discover
- Social Patrol
- Social Sight
- Social Syndicate

- Information Archiving
- Intelligent Monitoring
- Social Media Compliance
Proofpoint named a Leader in Gartner Magic Quadrant 2022 in Enterprise Information Archiving category for 10th consecutive year
85% of successful cyber attacks result from breaches by users
How do attackers get into organizations?
Through employees. So people are the new perimeter and Proofpoint is here to protect people.
Every day Proofpoint protects people more than any other organization in the world. The tool can tell you exactly who people are most attacked and protect them from being threat targets. Proofpoint helps identify vulnerability and build resiliency.
The solutions help protect the data your employees operate, in whatever digital environment they use. The platform provides a comprehensive people risk view, which assists in the business risk view and delivers the guidelines that should be applied to best defend the targeted people.
90% of successful attacks were carried out via e-mail
People are the main target of cyber attacks. Which means a people-centric approach is essential to defending your organization, your data, your intellectual property, and your livelihood.
Proofpoint’s complete suite of security and compliance solutions protects your organization from the constant threats it faces: externally and internally.
How to help the customer with this learning and what actions to take?
Unified platform on 3 pillars: complete protection for e-mails, empowering people, turning them into strong allies, and tools that people use.
“Proofpoint gives us an end-to-end email solution. Our users know that what they send is protected. What they receive is filtered and has the Kelsey-Seybold stamp of approval. Proofpoint is a tremendous asset for our email system and an effective, time-saving solution for us.”
Growth of cyber attacks in Brazil in 2021
5 billion+ e-mails insured per day by Proofpoint
+10 million accounts protected per day in the cloud
5 Motivos pelos quais você precisa de mais segurança na nuvem – CASB
(Cloud Access Security Broker)
Cada vez mais as empresas identificam que um CASB é essencial para assegurar suas aplicações e serviços na nuvem. Vamos analisar mais a fundo as suas maiores preocupações.
Num estudo de 2021 com mais de 2.800 servidores na nuvem
com mais de 25 milhões de contas de usuários ativos, 95% das contas foram alvo de ataques cibernéticos, e 48% tinham pelo menos uma conta comprometida no seu ambiente.
Os serviços de CASBs ajudam-no a detectar e responder uma atividade incomum, o que pode indicar
credenciais comprometidas. CASB também ajudam a implementar e aplicar políticas para proteger
contas e dados na nuvem.